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How to Find Super Profitable Niches?

Now you understand the factors that drive the sales and revenue to profitable niches, let’s hunt them down.

 There’s a bunch of methods for tackling this, but these will be the main sources you need to search for:

Social Networks

FB ads and FB audiences offer a swift way to research interests and uncover niches. Search for large audiences or followings.

Use the Facebook Graph Search to locate fan pages related to your niche. If there's a mountain of likes, followers and engagement, you're on the right track. It also signifies fertile grounds for setting up your own group for marketing purposes.

Selling Platforms

Amazon and eBay can also be a great way to find potential markets. If your niche is catered to here, it’s big enough to consider. Look at the Amazon's best-sellers, if others are making a lot of money in your niche, it’s likely you could too!

Search Engines

Try simply Google searching your ideas and seeing which ones gain the most traction. Look for highly active online forums relating to your niche, it’s a strong indicator of passion and future marketing opportunities.

GoogleTrends is very useful for discovering trending subjects and growing popularity. You might just spot the next big craze emerging!

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