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5 Crucial Tips on Selling T-Shirts on Facebook

Creating a t-shirt business is no little task, it requires a high level of commitment to materialize your ideas into products people are actually willing to pay for.

So if you already made that first step and launched your brand, make sure you also dedicate some time to promote your t-shirts.

1. Up-to-date Profiles

Make sure your profiles are up to date with basic information on the brand, products and promotions you may be holding at the time.

 With updated cover images, profile pictures and overall graphics your brand will speak for itself, allowing your visitors to get all the information they need upfront.

2. Create Audiences for Targeting Ads

Facebook allows you to build different audiences and use these for creating adverts that target specific groups of people.

For example, if you are selling heavy metal tees, it only makes sense to target users with musical interests, hobbies and activities related to that.

That makes t shirts Facebook ads particular powerful because you can advertise to a very specific segment of the market.

3. Join Facebook Groups

It’s important to become an active member of the community. Use Facebook groups and forums not just to connect with potential customers and partners, but also with other t-shirt sellers like you.

If you sell your designs on the different P.O.D sites, make sure you interact with your peers, this way you will get a real insight on best practices.

4. Be Consistent with Your Posts

Got a new design?

Make sure to share it on all your social media channels as soon as it’s up and running, linking to the actual item is a great way to drive traffic to your shop.

Tip: work in progress pots are a good way to get your customers involved.

5. Visual Content Really Matters

I can’t emphasize this enough, visuals are what turns Facebook followers into converting customers.

That’s the awesome power of t shirts Facebook ads. You instantly gain the user’s attention with an intriguing visual.

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